Thursday 25 March 2010

Final set of posters...

So far my set consists of 8 experimental typographic posters created out of food, I think although I am happy with my 8 I may just produce 2 more and have a rounded off set of 10!

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Reviewing my work i have done already...

I have looked over the types that I have created and the experimentation that I have done and I think i want to take the brief another way...instead of involving type with my posters i think i should leave the type out and try not to put too much of a concept behind it and have it maily as a brief focusing on experimentation of food as type.

I am think of taking the fonts I have created and making a kind of publication that just illustrates the type I have created in a fun and exciting way.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Raison typography...

Again much similar to my type for my peas I need a very simple clean type to create my typgraphy.

Jam Typography...

This my final image that I am going to use on my jam tart poster, the colours are perfect and the little seeds in the type really emphasis the fact that the type is made out of jam, i'm really pleased that I have started taking photographs with a better quality photograph because I wasn't doing my work any justice!!I have experimented the different angles when taking my photographs to make the type really have a 3d effect!
These two fonts below are the final two that I was slightly undecided by...they are both very different, the 1st one being very traditional and quite thin where as the 2nd one being quite playful, i think the 2nd one will work better to create a more juicy edible font!

Range of different fonts that could potentially work with my jam font!!!

Pea Typography...

This is my font created out of peas finalised and photographed ready to add on my poster! I used a simple Arial font as the template to create my font as this was the only one that really would have shown the type of to its full potential and made it legible enough for people to understand!

Cucumber typography...

I am really pleased with my cucumber font, i think it had worked really well. I didn't need to use an existing font as a template with this one, I just went for it and created the font using different parts of the cucumber to act as different technical aspects of the type for instance the counters and stems of all the letters.I drew out rulers whilst making the type to help keep every thing the same size and make it more accurate for when I photograph it and take it in to photoshop.

Monday 15 March 2010

Crit discussion...

Here i have made the chocolate and type slightly darker to fit in with the colour of the chocolate sauce.
This is the compositon and layout of the chocolate sauce poster... I think i maybe need to change the colour of the chocolate to make it look more like the colour of the sauce as it is contrasting slightly .

I decided to just make a little list of all the different temptations of chocolate there are available instead of writing about the 7 sins and relating it to that.

From the crit I decided that I had a few adjustments to make with my ABD Dimensional brief...
Number 1: The fonts for the spaghetti and chocolate sauce needed to be re done and photographed to a better quality.
Number 2: It was suggested that I could maybe extend the brief and make 5 more fonts making the total come to 10.
Number 3: The chocolate sauce poster had information about the 7 sins where as all the other sins related to food and what could be done with the food so i need to adjust the type there.
Number 4: People also discussed me maybe making a little cooking book with the fonts with reciepes on how to add the in particular ingredients that I had made my type faces out of.

Refined version of spaghetti type...

Again with the photography for my original spaghetti type i wasn't a 100% happy with the quality of it and also the spacing between the lettering and words wasn't clear and didn't read very well so i decided to re do this type again made sure the type was evenly spaced and was legible and took a better photograph of it. I'm pleased I have done this otherwise I would not have been happy!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Spaghetti type...

When I came to print my spaghetti poster on A2 I came to realise that the quality of the photograph that I took wasnt good enough and I also had to adjust it slightly in photoshop and the adjusting really showed up at A2 size and therefore making the quality and overall look of the poster very poor.
I am going to have to reproduce the type and photograph it again until I am happy with the quality.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Chocolate sauce....

I decided to take a photograph of my chocolate type again as the quality of my last photographs were of a poor quality and when i tried to change the exposure, brightness or contrast it really effected the photograph and made the type look like something else other than chocolate sauce.
I also found that after a while the sauce started to drip which i think enhanced the type further.

Refined photograph...
Original photograph...
I have photographed the image again onto wood to give the photograph a more professional feel.

This is the type face I created out of chocolate sauce, i think it works really well with the template font being deftone stylus.
I have edited the type slightly but i think i have to be careful with the amount of exposure that I adjust on photoshop as it could start to get confusing and not actually look like what it is meant to be. I think i may need to take better quality photographs to make the type properly look like chocolate sauce.

Monday 1 March 2010


Vectored chillis to use with type...

These two fonts below are the ones that I could potentially go for for the templates of my type made out of chilli sauce. They are both very different but I think they could both work equally as well.