Thursday, 25 February 2010

layout and composition of type.....

I produced this earlier today and after showing people and asking for opinions i think i definitely need to work back into the spaghetti type maybe in photoshop and make sure the legibility is right and clear to people instantly because some people were struggling with getting the idea straight away. I think i need more spacing between the first and date and I think i need to sort out the word 'first' as the r and the s are not easily read and are slightly confusing.

Below, having the type centered looks more pleasing to the eye.
Extending the line and shifting type to the right of the page to see if the effect suits...Shortening line to make composition look neater but i think the type still needs to be justified or centered in the middle.
This composition works although i think i would like to add the vectored image that i created to make the concept clearer.
I decided to vector this image below so that i could place it into my composition, this idea sprung from one of my design sheets that i produced. It is not essential but adds interest and makes the concept clearer without reading too much of the information.
Adding the vectored image with the type...keeping colour palette limited.
I'm really pleased with this composition, it works well and is pleasing to the eye and the vectored image really enhances the work.
This is just another example much like before but I have changed the vectored image to see if it effects the overall look and composition. Doesn't work as well as previous composition.I think this is the final composition and layout that i am going for, having the type centered and justified and placed the vectored image at the top of the type so that the concept is understood clearly.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Fonts for Spaghetti...

I downloaded this Hand font to enable me to create a font out of spaghetti... Its perfect and curly and will look wicked when the spaghetti is wrapped around it.